Transcontinental is a short, narrative-driven exploration game blending horror and first-person shooter elements. Set during the Western Expansion era in the United States, immerse yourself in a chilling journey with unique musket-era shooting mechanics and detailed object inspection, uncovering fragments of a dark tale about a settlement's supernatural struggles.
Key Features:
Unique Musket-Era Combat: Use period-accurate weaponry to ward off supernatural forces
Immersive Exploration: Traverse the railway tracks through an era-appropriate settlement
Narrative Discovery: Piece together the story of your train's derailment and the settlement's supernatural struggles via detailed object inspection, environmental clues and chilling journal entries.
Atmospheric Sound and Visuals: Feel the eerie isolation of the American frontier and the vastness of the great plains by travelling across the tracks lines by tall grasses, through thick fog with an evocative soundscape.
Traverse the tracks that scythe through the vast plains as a pioneer of the Western Expansion and uncover the mystery of your train's derailment, but beware of why lies within the grasses!